INSERTS - (netflix) Does anyone know the difference between the version which was released theatrically and the International release which is represented on the dvd?
I saw this theatrically when it first came out and was bored to tears; now, it's interesting to see Bob Hoskins, thin, talking about building a freeway through L.A. (ring any bells?), opening drive throughs and named "Big Mac." Dvd transfer is excellent.
And that previously mentioned L-O-N-G film, BEN-HUR, which is amazing to behold. Those teeny-boppers on less popular sites are complaining constantly about this release, BUT, what I see is top notch; very cinematic, quite film-like and clear as a bell (one can actually see individual hairs on centurians' legs!) So far, I'm up to the battle at sea sequence. I haven't dipped into the silent version yet, but I know there is one significant difference in the galley scenes.
QAF: Club Babylon, disc one.