Is it Me Department:
Then we go to the supermegalomart to buy Zach a new lunchbox. Have all of you heard of lunchboxes? Are they called something else? I see one of the store managers walking around (after I had looked to no avail where they had the lunchboxes last year). I ask him, "Do you have lunchboxes?" He looks at me like I'm speaking Swahili and says, "Lunchboxes? What are those?" I say, "You know, lunchboxes, that kids take their lunches to school in." He literally lashes out at me, "Well how do you expect me to know--I work in food."
I need a nap.
Wow, what a day JMK, hey?!!
I wonder if that last man was really listening to you... or may be he's a dork!
Well, two lady guests here wanted to go to Le Moulin Rouge show either tonight or tomorrow tonight; all was booked BUT, this evening, I could secure 2 tickets for the 11:00pm show, tomorrow.
They've just been back to the hotel, at a quarter to midnight, and they tell me that it's too late for them because they leave the following morning!!
Btw, it's 1:15 am and they still are in the lounge chatting away! Late, my .ss! (I'm mad because they make me "lose" a 22 euro commission!)
Anyway, I call Le Moulin Rouge to cancel and, after explaining why I call, (remember, it's past midnight!) the fellow tells me:
"I'm sorry sir, but we are booked up for tomorrow's night!"
I said; "No, you're not, because I've just canceled 2 seats with you!" LOL!
People don't really listen! They act robotically! Oy!
Another "flop du jour" or "flop de la nuit"!