Following a pretty solid sleep, which is a rare enough animal these days, I ended the night with a dream that found me waking up to the sight of a few people arriving for - something (maybe Thanksgiving, but maybe not), and those few soon multiplied into a couple of hundred. As I got up and walked among them, I passed this hideous chrome-plated baby grand piano that Nathan or someone had decided to actually purchase, and then I remembered I was substituting this morning at a church in a nearby town -- and doesn't that service begin at 10:30, and am I not even prepared with music, and wait, isn't it past 10:30 now or please God maybe it's actually 11:30 that it begins? So I decided not to shower (ew) and just throw on clothes and get my ass down there, but as so often happens in dreams, the walking or the driving just doesn't quite work, and it's a blessing when you waken and realize that the impossible doesn't, in fact, have to be accomplished. And that was my dream. The End.