Is there any penalty for trespassing traffic rules concerned with using your cell phone while you drive in your place???
Here is a link that discusses
Global Cell Phone Bansexcerpts:
California No Bill to introduce ban failed Feb 1998 - car rental companies required to offer guidance on cell phone use. New study requested from Jan 2002 - but failed to move from the Assembly Transportation Committee
Delaware No A driver can already be prosecuted for "inattentive driving" - which can include using a cell phone. Studies into the issue have been requested
District of Columbia Yes Banned from July 2004
Florida Partial State Attorney General said that cities can set local regulations - July 2001. Overturned by Governor Bush..
Illinois No School bus drivers are banned - no other laws.
Indiana No Ban proposed by State Sen. Rose Antich Carr - Jan 2004
Maryland No Bill to ban dropped Feb. 2001. New proposal in the House, proposed by Delegates Arnick and Mandel
New Jersey Yes Banned from July 2004 - the fine is up to US$250
New York Yes Ban effective from Nov. 2001
North Carolina Being debated Study into the effects of cell phone usage while driving being carried out.
Oregon No A new bill enacted in Jan 2002 forbids the local governments from implementing their own cell phone ban.
Pennsylvania Partial Local cities have their own laws - state legislation pending
Virginia No Bill failed in Dec. 1998 - but it only applied to school bus drivers. Passed a bill in Aug. 2001 to look for any impact on safety by the use of a cell phone while driving.
Washington No Bill to introduce ban failed Jan 2001
Australia Yes Banned in all states - fines vary though
Japan Yes Ban imposed Nov. 1999
Canada Variable Banned in Newfoundland (Dec2002) fines up to US$180
And so it is written.....
der Brucer