I've been to the bank in an emergency deposit. Most of my day has been tied up in housecleaning. I've packed 3 cartons for Miami U library today. There's still too much crap to find room for and at the moment I really really really miss Toyland!
I get envious when I read about you doing all this housecleaning. Some may find that strange, I know. A couple months ago, when the building manager said we were going to have regular inspections, I busted my butt to toss and clean. Yes, things got done, and I'm glad of that, but there's still more to do. I need another Pablo! I also need to take the time to go through old files and get rid of what I don't need. It's time-consuming and gets tedious. I'll just have to tackle it a little at a time. When living in small quarters there's just no room for excess.
Oh, and the inspections? Haven't heard another word. I rather think they've abandoned the idea.