Thank you all for many warm welcomes.
Hope all dear readers will have the patience to read my poor English and will understand it.
Lucky for all of us - English is a very user-friendly communication tool. (Though it has been observed that English is the easiest language to learn to speak to be understood, but the hardest to learn to speak "correctly".
Even though we may silently giggle at non-native speakers' garbled syntax, confused idioms, and "that just doesn't sound right" sentence structure, we usually get the thought clearly - and that's what counts. It is one of the spoken languages that is relatively insensitive to tone, stress, or word arrangement. You can usually take a simple English sentence, write each word on a separate slip of paper, drop them in a hat, pull them out at random, and still keep the thought. (This works less well for compound sentences.)
A great welcome mat of acceptance has been laid before you by that fact that we have giggled for years reading assembly instructions and user manuals created for our imported products.
We at HHW never criticize each other - (never, what never, well hardly ever) - and many of us take great glee in "mishearing" what others thought they'd said).
der Brucer
Note to Fellow posters: