I don't think that the counting would have been easy for me at all. On look at that hamper of little stuffed dogs and I would have made a beeline for desk assembly area in nothing flat.
Even if one partner is not good at counting. Just have the one that is count in twos. And have them both do it at the same time.
The thing I don't get is why the show's producers come up with these destinations that wind up as bottlenecks, like last night's train station and the Ikea store that didn't open until a certain hour. It seems to me to defeat the advantage of lead time any of the teams might have if they are all going to group up at the same spot at the same time. Did this happen in any of the other runs of the show?
To me there is a difference between what happened this week and what happened last week. I think it is perfectly fine if an IKEA opens at a certain time. The planners of the show probably had no idea if the teams would be doing the challenge at night or during the day.
But at least there was plenty of stuff after that for the leaders to shine.
Last week I was very upset because they bottlenecked all the teams and there was only one small task left till elimination. To me THAT is what is unfair. I don't think the leaders should be penalized like that.
And OMG, I HATE REBECCA and teammate! (another DR said they love them).