Good morning, all! One holiday down and one to go! I am happy to see yesterday go. It was profitable in that I worked and made some money, but holidays are no longer special events in my life, more like obstacle courses to be navigated with Machiavellian cunnng, and unfortuantely my Machiavellian cunning is not what it once was. I did get some lovely cards and gifts from dear friends outside the City, and I got some beautiful emails from friends I haven't seen since 1970. That was the good side of the day.
It was nice to hear from DRs Dan(theMan) and Jose.
I slept late; the internet at Toyland is down so I brought work home yesterday, I have no idea when my colleague Curtis will attend to it, I have no ideawhere things stand on ROBERTA, and my lfe continues at its current frustrating pace. I must make a trek today to the post office and to the bank. And then I proofread.
I do want to see LES MIZ, perhaps this weekend. Having read the complete unabridged novel, I disagree strongly with DR Druxy's comment that that story is all about the Javert-Valjean chase; LES MIZ is not THE FUGITIVE. It's a history of a generation of the French population (the wretched ones) following the fall of Napoleon and the political unrest,centered around Valjean's story. One of my biggest problems with the musical is that there is no explanation for the 10-12 years between Valjean's taking custody of Cosette as a child and their life in Paris when she's fallen in love with Marius. The scenery changes and so does Cosette. One of the things missing in the stage version as well is the fact that the obnoxious kid Gavroche is Fantine's brother and Thenardier's son, sothe Thenardier's pop up in the musical often out of nowhere and coincidence rather than from Victor Hugo's plotting.
More coffee.