My friend, Clark, who I did INHERIT THE WIND with is now living in Martha's Vineyard. He just sent me this true story!
Vineyard folks will appreciate this 'August People' story: I was on the bus to Edgartown the last week in August and it was packed. I had the first seat just inside the door with one seat left beside me. A couple in their 40's got on and the guy took the seat next to me then turned to me and said, 'Would you mind giving up your seat so my wife can sit down?' I stared at him in disbelief and he said, 'So is that a no?' I said 'I've got an idea. It's your wife, so why don't you stand and give her *your* seat?' They both glared at me like it was the rudest thing they had ever heard and he continued to sit while his wife stood all the way to Edgartown. BUT.... SUMMER IS OVER AND THE AUGUST PEOPLE ARE GONE!!! mostly.