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« Reply #90 on: June 16, 2012, 03:18:11 PM »


« Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 03:24:46 PM by TCB »
“One thing’s universal,
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« Reply #91 on: June 16, 2012, 03:22:52 PM »

Today I had the Bacon Sundae.  I'm only a little surprised to report that it was delicious.  The vanilla soft serve (which seems to be of a very good quality, but I've never had it by itself), the chocolate and caramel syrups, and the bacon.  Very compatible flavors.

Just what I needed, of course, after last night's Hot Fudge Pudding Cake With Vanilla Ice Cream and Hot Fudge Sauce.


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« Reply #92 on: June 16, 2012, 03:48:19 PM »

I think it was the fall of 2002 when I discovered HHW (old board), and didn't really "Get it" at first, but then I jumped in and I've been here on and off ever since.  It's hard to keep up during the busy parts of life, but I've made some great friends here and it's a great place to ask for an opinion, share knowledge, share "stuff" and things like that.  I'm ever grateful for the support, vibes, and net-friends I've made here.  We all help each other here, it's a wonderful place.

"Net-friends." I like that word. Much better than "Internet acquaintances."

I trademarked the term e-quaintance.  You may use it if you pay me royalties.  ;)
Would you like to take a picture of my lipoma for posterity?

"It is a tale of conflicting loyalties, megalomania, love, hate and a number of other issues I can't remember."


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« Reply #93 on: June 16, 2012, 03:48:46 PM »

Today I had the Bacon Sundae.  I'm only a little surprised to report that it was delicious.  The vanilla soft serve (which seems to be of a very good quality, but I've never had it by itself), the chocolate and caramel syrups, and the bacon.  Very compatible flavors.

Just what I needed, of course, after last night's Hot Fudge Pudding Cake With Vanilla Ice Cream and Hot Fudge Sauce.

The Made in Oregon's store biggest seller is their Bacon Chocolate Bar.  I kid you not.
Would you like to take a picture of my lipoma for posterity?

"It is a tale of conflicting loyalties, megalomania, love, hate and a number of other issues I can't remember."


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« Reply #94 on: June 16, 2012, 04:05:16 PM »

Deb, unfortunately no pictures were taken so the even will live on only in our minds.

I ate light at Joe Allen's. I had black bean soup and a spring vegetable salad. Very delicious. Mr. Kimmel kept trying to tempt those of us who didn't order dessert with his cobbler but I (and Julie) resisted. BTW, Julie does look great.

I had to leave around 9:30 (as Larry said at one point, getting up at 5am every day is a killer).

I'm really glad I had a chance to attend yesterday. Seeing everyone (including Tom Nondorf) was a treat and meeting Chas was excellent. He fits right into the wacky HHW crowd.



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« Reply #95 on: June 16, 2012, 04:06:25 PM »

Good morning, all! As soon as it was light in my apartment, I was awake, but I fought the urge and slept until 7:15. Most of my day will be spent on the notes to EILEEN. The deadline is in place and i've got to meet it. Around 11, I will head down to Kinko's to pick up the five orchestra scores I had bound yesterday, then I will head to the NYPL to retrieve the information I managed to lose yesterday. I am really angry at myself for this carelessness since every other note is here, close to hand,

BK, thank you again for hosting a trememdously entertaining evening. The company was great, the food was excellent, and your presence was the most sparkling gift one could have, much more sparkling than the dress of the blonde at the table next to us!

DR Julie looked glorious last night, and everyone - beginning with me - gave her hell for being E&T; she is truly missed. I usually see DR FJL only at his apartment when I get an invitation to one of Skip's wonderful meals, so it's always a treat to see him out and about. Marriage hasn't changed our DR Ben at all, and I really enjoyed talking to DR ChasSmith, who assimilated with the crew from the madhouse very quickly. No dog he!

We have to get some of our regional DRs into the City. DR MBarnum is excluded, since he assimilated so well he now thinks he's Eloise and my fire escape is the Plaza.



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« Reply #96 on: June 16, 2012, 04:08:16 PM »

Sincere thanks to all for the vibes re:  Zach.  I'm going to be a nervous wreck for the next two weeks, but what else is new?

Relax, what happens will be out of your control ;)


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« Reply #97 on: June 16, 2012, 04:08:53 PM »

The airport was insanely busy this morning, but only at United, of course.  They finally asked the parents to leave so that there would be more room for actual passengers.

I'm surprised you were permitted in the terminal.


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« Reply #98 on: June 16, 2012, 04:10:34 PM »

TOD: I lived in Middletown, Ohio, for about a year in the mid-1980s during which time I interviewed a native son, one Larry Moore, for the newspaper. We kept in touch off and on over the next 20 or so years, and it was through him that I came to HHW. I peeked in occasionally before joining through him, and I, too, am grateful for the family I've made here.

Our DR JohnG is the sort of gentleman I aspire to become and know I'll never reach. What he doesn't tell you is that once he'd interviewed me, I killed the article.

Several well-intentioned friends in Middletown who knew about my participation in the Pulitzer Prize win for SUNDAY iN THE PARK WITH GEORGE decided, without asking my opinion, to take my story to the local newspaper. One day I got a call from this young reporter asking for an interview about the subject. I was very unhappy to learn about this turn of events since I felt, while I was proud of the achievement, that it was Steve Sondheim's business, and not mine, to discuss my involvement, if he chose to do so.

After my interview with this pleasant young man, I called the editor of the newspaper and begged him to kill the story. My friends in Middletwn were very unhappy with my decision and I think I did the right thing; it was my tale to tell when I chose, not when I was forced.

Then, in 1989 or 1990, I was working on a show by Barry Kleinbort in Cohoes, NY, at the very haunted and spooky Cohoes Music Hall, a jewel box of a theatre and one helluva a scary place. As I left the theatre one night, a pleasant young man introduced himself to me. It was Mr JohnG who was working for a local newspaper.

Thanks for expanding the story.  I don't remember hearing this before.


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« Reply #99 on: June 16, 2012, 04:10:46 PM »

And, O happy day!, I have found the missing sheet of information. No trip to NYPL needed after all. I must still get to Kinko's so I will do that shortly.



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« Reply #100 on: June 16, 2012, 04:15:50 PM »

I've relaxed, shaved, showered, and shall now be on my way to see The Best Man and then I shall meet Crista Moore at Joe Allen.


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« Reply #101 on: June 16, 2012, 04:16:40 PM »

TOD - When I started going to NYC for work in October of 2004, I spent some time with DR Elmore, our longtime friend from here in Middletown, OH.  At the time he and my high school/college friend Doug were the only 2 people we knew in the city.  Larry told me then about this site and I lurked for about a month before DR JRand posted a picture of a mystery woman who I could identify.  Signed up, ID'd the photo, and the rest is history.  Thanks to DR Elmore bringing me here, we now have many friends in New York and we no longer feel like tourists when we're there.

And, that same week in 2004, DR Elmore kept saying he was "juggling two women," because his friend Jane was also visiting from out of town.  I'd been on here for several months before we connected the dots and realized that he was talking about our very own DR Jane and a year later she and I met in person.

I came so very close to suggesting to DR elmore, who was rather stressed for activities with both of us in town, that we all get together instead of separately.  If only I had we would have met sooner.  I didn't make the suggestion as it was my first trip to NY & my  first meeting with DR elmore.  I was selfish and wanted alone time with DR elmore, but then I didn't know then DR Ginny would become a big part of my life here at HHW.


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« Reply #102 on: June 16, 2012, 04:19:03 PM »


I came to this site by way of six degrees of Jerry Herman.  My dear friend Sharry and I had just finished (I think) our run of HELLO DOLLY!; and since she was not computer savvy, she asked if I could try to find an address or P.O. Box for Jerry Herman by way of the computer search.  Well Jerry Herman took me to HELLO DOLLY!, which took me to Carol Channing, which took me to recordings which took me to producer Bruce Kimmel, which took me to Guy Hianes and this site.

I lurked at the site for about a week.  I was amazed at this little group of witty, knowledgeable, and entertainment-oriented souls.  One day I got up the courage to comment on something, and they were all so wlecoming that I stayed.

My profle says I joined October 21, 2003, and since DR Jrand's profile says October 22, 2003; I believe this must be the date of the new board, and not the day we joined.  I thought I had found this site in 2002, but what do I know?

Why didn't you get Sharry to join you here?


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« Reply #103 on: June 16, 2012, 04:19:35 PM »

Oops, guess I forgot to logout when we left for the Y.  Had a good workout - 1.3 miles on the treadmill and 1200 steps on the NuStep.

Good for you!!!!!


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« Reply #104 on: June 16, 2012, 04:21:10 PM »

I had to look up NuStep.  Is this it?



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« Reply #105 on: June 16, 2012, 04:22:44 PM »

I think it was the fall of 2002 when I discovered HHW (old board), and didn't really "Get it" at first, but then I jumped in and I've been here on and off ever since.  It's hard to keep up during the busy parts of life, but I've made some great friends here and it's a great place to ask for an opinion, share knowledge, share "stuff" and things like that.  I'm ever grateful for the support, vibes, and net-friends I've made here.  We all help each other here, it's a wonderful place.

"Net-friends." I like that word. Much better than "Internet acquaintances."

I do too.


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« Reply #106 on: June 16, 2012, 04:41:22 PM »


I came to this site by way of six degrees of Jerry Herman.  My dear friend Sharry and I had just finished (I think) our run of HELLO DOLLY!; and since she was not computer savvy, she asked if I could try to find an address or P.O. Box for Jerry Herman by way of the computer search.  Well Jerry Herman took me to HELLO DOLLY!, which took me to Carol Channing, which took me to recordings which took me to producer Bruce Kimmel, which took me to Guy Hianes and this site.

I lurked at the site for about a week.  I was amazed at this little group of witty, knowledgeable, and entertainment-oriented souls.  One day I got up the courage to comment on something, and they were all so wlecoming that I stayed.

My profle says I joined October 21, 2003, and since DR Jrand's profile says October 22, 2003; I believe this must be the date of the new board, and not the day we joined.  I thought I had found this site in 2002, but what do I know?

Why didn't you get Sharry to join you here?

I took Sharry out to lunch yesterday.  We went down to Anthony's at Point Defiance, where you and Keith and George and I had lunch.  This was before I opened my mail.  When I still thought I had money,
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Life’s no dress rehearsal….”


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« Reply #107 on: June 16, 2012, 04:42:06 PM »

I think it was the fall of 2002 when I discovered HHW (old board), and didn't really "Get it" at first, but then I jumped in and I've been here on and off ever since.  It's hard to keep up during the busy parts of life, but I've made some great friends here and it's a great place to ask for an opinion, share knowledge, share "stuff" and things like that.  I'm ever grateful for the support, vibes, and net-friends I've made here.  We all help each other here, it's a wonderful place.

"Net-friends." I like that word. Much better than "Internet acquaintances."

I do too.

Net-friends sounds like tennis buddies.
“One thing’s universal,
Life’s no dress rehearsal….”


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« Reply #108 on: June 16, 2012, 04:42:41 PM »

I had to look up NuStep.  Is this it?

Yes, DR Jane, that's it.  The NuStep was part of my cardiac rehab routine and I really liked it.  The foot & leg motion reminds me of pumping the old player piano that was in the basement of the house where I grew up.  Another reason I like it is that it's made in Ann Arbor, MI.  In fact, co-inventor Steve Sarns, who received a Master's in kinesiology from U of M in 1988, was awarded an honorary Doctorate at this spring's commencement.
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« Reply #109 on: June 16, 2012, 04:50:41 PM »

Bruce has know occasional DR Penny O since about forever.  I have known them both since I was 15 when we met at Hamilton High.  Penny was taking a trip to L.A. and I suggested she give Bruce a call.  I had his home number & decided/insisted she also needed his work number which I knew had changed.  I did an internet search & found his new work number was no longer and also found HHW. 

On that day in the notes Bruce wrote:
You remember yesterday I mentioned my crush on Hayley Mills and Hayley Mills? Well, to tie all this together, one of my very first movie crushes (on someone close to my age) was an actress named Susan Gordon, who played Danny Kaye's young daughter in The Five Pennies (the "older" version of the daughter was played by yet another early crush of mine, Tuesday Weld, but I can't write about Tuesday on a Thursday). Oh, how I loved Susan Gordon, she was so cute and perky. And, of course, she was/is the daughter of Food of The Gods' very own director Bert I. Gordon. I wonder where she is today and what she's doing. If anyone knows, have her call me. She did attend my high school for awhile, so I did get to know her a teeny bit.

I surprised Bruce and posted:
Bruce, If you want to get in touch with Susan Gordon, give me a call or write. Keith & I are still good friends with her. I have known Susan since 4th grade.
Posted by Jane @ 11/15/2001 05:51 PM PST

Of all days I decided to look Bruce up he mentions my friend Susan, and only on the 5th day of this site.


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« Reply #110 on: June 16, 2012, 04:51:53 PM »


I came to this site by way of six degrees of Jerry Herman.  My dear friend Sharry and I had just finished (I think) our run of HELLO DOLLY!; and since she was not computer savvy, she asked if I could try to find an address or P.O. Box for Jerry Herman by way of the computer search.  Well Jerry Herman took me to HELLO DOLLY!, which took me to Carol Channing, which took me to recordings which took me to producer Bruce Kimmel, which took me to Guy Hianes and this site.

I lurked at the site for about a week.  I was amazed at this little group of witty, knowledgeable, and entertainment-oriented souls.  One day I got up the courage to comment on something, and they were all so wlecoming that I stayed.

My profle says I joined October 21, 2003, and since DR Jrand's profile says October 22, 2003; I believe this must be the date of the new board, and not the day we joined.  I thought I had found this site in 2002, but what do I know?

Why didn't you get Sharry to join you here?

I took Sharry out to lunch yesterday.  We went down to Anthony's at Point Defiance, where you and Keith and George and I had lunch.  This was before I opened my mail.  When I still thought I had money,

Such a shame your nice day was ruined.  I'm glad you enjoyed your lunch first.


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« Reply #111 on: June 16, 2012, 04:53:30 PM »

I had to look up NuStep.  Is this it?

Another reason I like it is that it's made in Ann Arbor, MI. 


I'll have to look again but I don't believe our Y has one of these.  It looks like a sit down cross trainer.


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« Reply #112 on: June 16, 2012, 04:56:28 PM »

Yep, recumbent cross trainer, DR Jane!
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« Reply #113 on: June 16, 2012, 04:57:10 PM »


I came to this site by way of six degrees of Jerry Herman.  My dear friend Sharry and I had just finished (I think) our run of HELLO DOLLY!; and since she was not computer savvy, she asked if I could try to find an address or P.O. Box for Jerry Herman by way of the computer search.  Well Jerry Herman took me to HELLO DOLLY!, which took me to Carol Channing, which took me to recordings which took me to producer Bruce Kimmel, which took me to Guy Hianes and this site.

I lurked at the site for about a week.  I was amazed at this little group of witty, knowledgeable, and entertainment-oriented souls.  One day I got up the courage to comment on something, and they were all so wlecoming that I stayed.

My profle says I joined October 21, 2003, and since DR Jrand's profile says October 22, 2003; I believe this must be the date of the new board, and not the day we joined.  I thought I had found this site in 2002, but what do I know?

Why didn't you get Sharry to join you here?

I took Sharry out to lunch yesterday.  We went down to Anthony's at Point Defiance, where you and Keith and George and I had lunch.  This was before I opened my mail.  When I still thought I had money,

Such a shame your nice day was ruined.  I'm glad you enjoyed your lunch first.

Me too.
“One thing’s universal,
Life’s no dress rehearsal….”


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« Reply #114 on: June 16, 2012, 05:01:19 PM »

Today I had the Bacon Sundae.  I'm only a little surprised to report that it was delicious.  The vanilla soft serve (which seems to be of a very good quality, but I've never had it by itself), the chocolate and caramel syrups, and the bacon.  Very compatible flavors.

Just what I needed, of course, after last night's Hot Fudge Pudding Cake With Vanilla Ice Cream and Hot Fudge Sauce.

Glad to hear you liked it!


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« Reply #115 on: June 16, 2012, 05:02:13 PM »

Today I had the Bacon Sundae.  I'm only a little surprised to report that it was delicious.  The vanilla soft serve (which seems to be of a very good quality, but I've never had it by itself), the chocolate and caramel syrups, and the bacon.  Very compatible flavors.

Just what I needed, of course, after last night's Hot Fudge Pudding Cake With Vanilla Ice Cream and Hot Fudge Sauce.

Glad to hear you liked it!

Where do you get the Bacon Sundae?
“One thing’s universal,
Life’s no dress rehearsal….”


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« Reply #116 on: June 16, 2012, 05:06:29 PM »

I was home working on something....I think editing some photos I had taken for a photography class...and listening to Lost in Boston (can't remember the number, but it's the one with Rupert Holmes on it) The CD was supposed to be over and all of a sudden I heard "I Love Fish" (I think that's the name of it) Quite frankly, I was dumbfounded. I couldn't figure out how that was on the CD and not listed.  So I emailed Rupert (he's a friend of mine for those who don't know that) and he wrote back and said "That's Bruce Kimmel"  I think he also told me it was an Easter egg.   Anyway, I googled Bruce Kimmel and found this site.   I've been here ever since. Can't remember when that was


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« Reply #117 on: June 16, 2012, 05:10:51 PM »

Yep, recumbent cross trainer, DR Jane!

If our Y has one I'll give it a try.  I was progressing on the regular cross trainer when I realized it simply hurts my shoulders, in a bad way, too much.  I do weights and a couple of other exercises for my shoulders plus swimming once a week.  I use weights for my legs, 10 minutes on a recumbent bike, 20 minutes on the stairmaster, and 1 mile or more on the treadmill.  I run on and off during the mile and do it in about 13 minutes.  If I have extra time & jog longer I go an extra half mile.



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« Reply #118 on: June 16, 2012, 05:11:34 PM »

It wasn't too long after that...I think less than a year, and I met DR Jane and her DH Keith, DR George, DR JMK his DW Betsey and their boys at DR JMK's home in Oregon.  After that I went to NYC and was in the first walking and eating tour by DR Jose. I have loved the get togethers since then.  I don't really think of my friends here as net-friends. I think of everyone as a friend.  You don't find many sites where everyone actually gets together like we do.  It is the best site on the internet~!


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« Reply #119 on: June 16, 2012, 05:11:40 PM »

Today I had the Bacon Sundae.  I'm only a little surprised to report that it was delicious.  The vanilla soft serve (which seems to be of a very good quality, but I've never had it by itself), the chocolate and caramel syrups, and the bacon.  Very compatible flavors.

Just what I needed, of course, after last night's Hot Fudge Pudding Cake With Vanilla Ice Cream and Hot Fudge Sauce.

Glad to hear you liked it!

Where do you get the Bacon Sundae?

Why, do you want to add heart attack to your list of ailments?  Don't even try it, you might like it. ;)
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