From DR John G:
I got the Nook Color and I haven't had time to use it enough yet to judge whether I like it. I like being able to read a chapter or so before going to bed, but that's hardly more than five or 10 minutes
I am having a hard time checking email on it, so I have to work on that. That was one reason I wanted the Color. It was a tablet,but one that doesn't do movies or games, neither of which I wanted.
DR Cilla has a good idea about getting extra instructions at B & N. I'm likely doing things the hard way.
I have two issues with my Nook Color. Sometimes the page won't turn. The best way to fix that, IMHO, is to change to a smaller text. Once fixed I go back to the larger text. This really isn't a big deal to me, the big deal is tapping away trying to open the box to change the text. My other issue is connecting to the internet. Sometimes it takes a good many attempts to get it to work.
I can see how much better Keith's iPad is but I don't care for the size.
I set my Nook so it wouldn't automatically turn everything horizontal just because I tilted the Nook, which I tend to do when reading in bed. When using email wait until everything is loaded before opening or deleting anything otherwise it is too easy to press on the wrong box.