TOD: I remember we always had Vick's -- or somebody's -- inhalers around when I was a kid, and I used one occasionally. Since then, though, when I need to clear my passages to be able to sleep or whatever, I treat myself to a small squirt of Afrin or a generic. There was a time when I was using that kind of thing on a fairly frequent basis, and I read about how dangerously addictive these can be. I knew one person who went through it, and of course he said NEVER use them. But not having that particular problem, thank goodness, I'll take a few drops once or twice a year, either in a climate situation that stops up my nose, or at the clogged up point when I'm getting over a cold.
Odd, though, as many years as it's been, I can "see" and "smell" that Vick's inhaler, now, as I type.