Valerian, the wonderful bass on the recording, sent me an email last night asking if I could send him a scan of "Belle O'Brien" for a recital he's doing this weekend. So I schlepped it down to Toyland and sent it to him today. So he sent a note back thanking me and asked "Do you have 'Friars'"? I sent him a snippy note back asking, why didn't you ask for that as well? When I got home, his email response was waiting for me: "I did." So I cecked and sure enough, he did. It was my error. This creep has got totally on the defensive and I hate it. I felt so awful abut blowing up that I had to apologize at once to him for missing it. So, tomorrow I iwill go back to Toyland and scan "The Friars" for Valerian.
On the positive side, a friend and I who had a falling out seem to be back on track today, I made a contact at NPR about getting the New World series of recordings onto NPR, and things look good on the new office front.
So, I should apologize to you, DR Ron Pulliam, for acting so stressed out.