And how are YOU, DR der Brucer?
I'm hanging in there. Spent a nasty few weeks just fighting off a damnable cold - not bad enough to be be of real concern (no high fever, no chills, no aches) but a never ending cough and continued mild nasal congestion. My almost healed cracked sternum advised me to treat the symptoms aggressively which I did with every-four hour swigs of Tussin DM - which worked on the cough but kept me groggy for the entire time.
After my "Doctor, I had a chest pain the other day" saga you'd think I'd learn not to complain, but NO! On my last visit to my GPs officer (he moved on to greener pastures) and I now see a really nice Nurse Practitioner to whom I voiced my continuing concern with my inability to stand upright in one spot ( I can walk fine, but if I try and stand still, my lower body starts to tremble and crumble - unless I hold on to something, then I'm fine. That business resulted in my shuffling off to a Neurologist who was distressed by my over-all physical weakness (hey, I'm a coach potato, not a farmer!) so she is passing me off to the hospital for back Xrays and a lumbar MRI on Monday and she has set me up for a month of three-days/week of physical therapy (on a nice day, the PT office is within walking distance).
Your tax-dollars at work!
der Brucer