I have not abdicated from HHW. Been reading BK's notes each morning when I rise. But. . .we have Mum's 60th Year Reunion this Friday, and I have been swamped with work from that. Plus, one of her classmates is spending her time her following her flight in last Tuesday from Wisconsin. She has been diagnosed as having the first stages of Alzheimer's, so I am watching over TWO semi-invalids for God knows how long. The day that she arrived, I also had a dental appointment in the morning, then her plane came in at the height of rush hour, and guess who was the designated pick-up person? Right. Before leaving for the dentist that morning, Borders called and said that I was on the schedule and close to an hour late in getting to work. BUT, one the posted schedule, I wad NOT on the schedule, but only on the schedule in the store manager's computer. She later admitted that she was in error as Tuesday has always been the one day that I cannot give them, since we set that day aside (when I was first hired) to enable doctor visits and such for Mum, or myself if necessary.
Now, today, after work, I did have a necessary dr's appointment. I won't know anything for a while, but, my g.p, believes that I have diverticulitis and has ordered blood work and a CAT scan. She certainly knows now that I have high blood pressure and she has prescribed the necessary drugs. We will see how that works out when I have my follow-up visit in a month (if the blood work and scan don't make it necessary for me to see her sooner).
That's my story.
HUGS, TOO. . .