Back from a pretty spectacular evening - I have to go out now and eat something because all I've had all day was a small sandwich and some melon and prosciutto, so I'm starving. All I can say is, there were about eight no-shows who'd made reservations, and about six people who'd said they were coming on Facebook. That is just so wrong. However, had they showed up I haven't a clew as to where they would have put them because the room was jammed, a complete sell out. About forty diners and twenty-five show only folks and in that room that is jammed, with people at the bar and at every table and standing at the bar, too. It was an amazing crowd, with some really cool people in attendance. This first time out was a learning curve for me, and I now know how the subsequent shows have to function. I'll talk more about this is in the notes, which probably won't be up until two. But I couldn't have asked for a better show and I think the word of mouth is going to be fantastic.