My first crush was Mickey Dolenz, from The Monkees, followed by Harry Nilsson. After that I graduated to *real* boys!
My best friend was in love with Monkee Davy, so that worked out well. One time we even wrote love letters to ourselves and pretended they were from our favorite Monkees. A little embarrassing but hey, we were in 6th grade!
Mickey came to Atlanta a few weeks ago and even though it had been decades since he'd held any interest for me, I still like the music of The Monkees, and the Turtles and some other 60's groups that were on the bill. Mickey's sister came out and sang a duet with him (she had sung backup on some of their records). It turns out she sings in a church right down the street from my mom. Who knew? I was very excited to tell my mom about this, but she proclaimed that the Unity Church wasn't a real "Christian" church and they didn't believe in anything. They even had books by "shudder" Shirley MacLaine in their bookstore!
The real surprise on the bill was Mark Lindsay, former lead singer of Paul Revere and the Raiders. He had the energy of a 20 year old (a far cry from when I saw him a few years ago). Don't know what he's taking, but I want some. He was great!