This day has finally ended. Grant came by, agreed about the only spot to hang the Thurber, which he hung. That's all we did, and then we ate at the Studio Cafe, which I must say was not good today. I then went to the framers and got that done, then picked up a few packages, and then came home to a little panic call from the Music Center. Seems Mr. Menken will be with us at the session and everyone was suddenly worried if we'd scheduled enough time to do everything. I reminded the assembled that I've done a LOT of sessions, including a bunch of these Music Center ones and that I know how to book. But I assured everyone that we had plenty of time and if things went over then we'd just go later - we have the studio until we finish. That put everyone at ease. But since we're recording exactly two minutes of music, I'm not concerned at all. This isn't a cast album - this is for a radio spot. It will all be fine, and I look forward to seeing Alan and Michael Kosarin, his music man.