Good morning, all! I got about two hours worth of sleep before the oaf above me came trampng home at 12:33am; I checked the clock. Sometime after that, i fell back to sleep ad slept very well. I did hae one peculiar dream: my cousin Elaine, whom I've not seen in at least 35 years, and I were at some airport getting ready to fly somewhere. At least she wasn't Jackie Gleason.
So, today is another McGlinnventory day. Yesterday, we finished unpacking all of the plays - anybody want a complete set of the plays of Carlo Goldoni in the original Italian? - and the books and began the process of alphabetizing them by author and sortign them by category. The executor and I are butting heads over pricing the scores: he says 10% off and I think h's so far off the mark it's ridiculous. The 30-volume Richard Strauss Edition of the entire works in Full Score sells for $2750; McGlinn's written in some of them, and the executor thinks the markings of a "famous conductor like John McGlinn" might be worth something so we should sell them at 10% off the price. I believe anyone buying the entire set of Richard Strauss scores isn't buying them for the notes of a fraud like McGlinn but most likely a conducting student or young conductor out to get an inexpensive used set of scores, and I think we should sell them at 50% discount, going higher on something in better condition. will be an interestng period debating the pros and cons of pricing this collection.