Morning, all.
Films: "Babette's Feast," "Tampopo" (the "noodle" western), and at the top of the list, "Big Night." There have been numerous food scenes from Anita Morris covered in whipped cream in "The Happy Hooker" to "Monty Python's Meaning of Life" in which the guy eats so much he explodes. I also loved the scene in "GoodFellas" where Paul Sorvino cuts the garlic with a razor.
On TV, I loved "The Twilight Zone" episode "To Serve Mankind." And though I never saw it, I loved Cole Porter's shopping list song in "Come to the Supermarket in Old Peking" in "Aladdin."
I'm sure I'm forgetting tons of them, but there was a culinary group in town that, as a fund-raiser, staged what they called "Meals on Reels," in which scenes from foodie films were shown in between courses. The event died after the second or third year beccause they had exhausted the supply.