I've had a conversation with the co-author of the long musical and I'm going to finally get some things I've been asking for for six months - after last night, he saw that he needs to hear me loud and clear because everything that didn't land is stuff I've been asking to be changed. In fact, there will be some pretty radical things going on, including losing several characters from the show. Right now, the show tells two stories that are at cross purposes with each other. Those stories need to coalesce and feed off each other. Every time we go to the second story everyone goes to sleep and/or gets totally confused because - WE DON'T CARE about that story, at least in the way it's being told. This show is seen through the eyes of our young leading man - everything has to be filtered through him and it's not. I've been saying it for ages and while there have been major changes, that central issue has not been addressed. This time it will be and it will result in completely new scenes and sequences and some new songs.