As I was leaving Rite Aid this afternoon, I had just started my car when I heard this car come roaring up the street, squeeling tires as it turned into the parking lot. I decided I would not pull out until this yoyo had gone to wherever he was going; which turned out to be next to my car. This young kid jumps out of the car and comes running over to me. He told me that he had just had a gun pulled on him in a parking lot down the street, and would I call 911 for him.
I talked to the 911 operator first, and then she asked to speak to the young man. He was extremely observant about remembering details of the truck, the direction the truck had fled, the description of the man, and the type of gun - even to the point of describing that the guy pulled the gun from a Crown Royal bag (I would have called it an ugly velvet sack, but what do I know?). After making the poor kid repeat all of the details twice, the operator then asked if he would like to wait in the parking lot for an officer to come talk to him; and then the cops could go looking for the man.
The young man replied, "Gee, I kind of hoped you would have already sent the cops looking for the guy, and then you could come talk to me after you caught him."
I guess with the murder rate in Tacoma going up again to almost one a day, the cops can't be bothered unless they actually pull the trigger!