TOD - or in regards to the TOD - there was a post here on Wednesday about posting about listening/viewing non-commercial media. It's been bugging me for a few days now, while I realize the poster's concern is valid.I felt it was a little out of place on this forum of theatre/movie people who will go at lengths to satisfy their love for the art.
While I am extremely guilty of possessing such items, (and proud of it BTW!) it dawned on me that nothing was mentioned the sharing TV shows, whether on VHS or ripped off the DVR and burned on a DVD and shared with others was not mention in the posters concerns. Or even movies "copied" and shared, I see no difference. Also, what about watching things on DVR, it's technically a recording a device storing data that is to be watched later, which is the definition of what is prohibited when recording shows, orchestrations, etc... I see no difference here.
That's all...