But first, the updated list (including a couple of corrections - der B placed a few on the last list as appearing on page 3, when we were still just on page 2! (silly boy!
Dale, Jim - actor/narrator (P 2)
Daly, John Charles - panalist (P 1)
D'Arcy, John - TV (P 2)
Dark, Johnny - comedian (P 1)
Darren, James - singer/actor (P 2)
Dassin, Jules - director (P 1)
Davidson, John - actor (P 1)
Davis, Joan - actress (P 1)
Davis, Judy - (P 1)
Dawson, Jack - character (P 2)
Dean, James - actor (P 1)
Dean, Jamie - restaurateur/FoodTV personality (P 3)
Dean, Jimmy - (P 1)
Dee, Joey - twister (P 1)
Dee, Johnny - singer (P 1)
DeLancie, John - actor (P 2)
DeLorean, John - automaker (P 2)
Demme, Jonathon - director (P 1)
Dempsey, Jack - (P 1)
Demy, Jacques - director (P 1)
Dench, Judi - (P 1)
Denver, John - (P 1)
Depp, Johnny - actor (P 2)
DeRoy, Jamie - cabaret artiste (P )
DeShannon, Jackie - (P 1)
Desmond, Johnny - (P 1)
Devereaux, Jack - character (P 1)
Dewitt, Joyce - actress (P 3)
Dickens, Jimmy - (P 1)
Dickenson, Janice - modeling agent (P )
Diener, Joan - singer (P 1)
Dillinger, John - criminal (P 1)
Dimaggio, Joe - baseball (P 2)
Dobson, James - villian (P 2)
Dodd, Jimmy - mouseketeer (P 1)
Dolan, Joe - singer (P 2)
Dolce, Joe - (P 2)
Donne, John - poet (P 2)
Donovan, Jason - actor (P 2)
Doohan, James - actor (P 2)
Dorsey, Jimmy - (P 2)
Dossett, John - actor (P 2)
Douglas, Jack - author (P 1)
Doumanian, Jean - producer (P 1)
Dowell, Joe - singer (P 2)
Du Pre, Jacqueline - cellist (P 1)
Dunphy, Jerry - newscaster (P 1)
Durante, Jimmy - (P 2)