DR MBarnum, re: your comments last night re: BIG BROTHER.
The reason i asked about your opinion of ollie after tuesday's show is because i was curious whose side you were on (dan vs ollie). Since you seem to like dan a lot, but still like ollie i guess the editors managed to "trick" the audience.
I sort of liked ollie in the beginning. But there is something i have disliked about him for a while now.
I wasn't sure if people not watching/reading the feeds would find ollie charming/but screwed over by dan. or cocky and deserving of what he got.
They did not show a key piece of info on tuesday's show. Ollie and michelle were laughing at dan for following the deal. And they made a pact to screw him over even if he kept his full word (about pov).
To me this makes a huge difference in how i view what happened. I don't find ollie to be the victim at all.
At the end of tuesday's show they showed ollie starting to go slightly crazy. I am curious if there will be any consequences for this (probably not but who knows). I guess it depends how much they show.
If you only knew the things jerry has been saying you would like him less than you do now.