Since the notes are not up, and since we therefor don't have a TOD, may I suggest the following:
This is actually something I stumbled across elsewhere on the web. The idea is to take a list that has been published somewhere, and see how well your own experiences match up with it.
In this case, we'll be working with Entertainment Weekly's list of the best 100 films of the last 25 years. This is not my list, it is theirs. Don't blame me for the list's contents, blame them.
In any case, copy the list, and then make the following adjustments to it:
For every film you have seen, put the film's title in bold. (Use the buttons for the YABBC tags, found in the "Post Reply" bar - in this case, use the "B" button).
Of those films, for every film you really liked, underline the title. (That's the "U" button."
And, of the other films you've put in bold, for every film you genuinely didn't like, or that left you cold, cross out that title. (That's the "S" button.)
I'll post the list on the next post.