My TV Viewing entertainment last night was Mr. Stanley Donen's "Charade".
I've long had the Criterion "Charade" with the superb Donen/Peter Stone commentary. But it was not the anamorphic Criterion (that came out later).
Rather than re-buy the anamorphic version on Criterion, I opted for a used "The Truth About Charlie" (the "Charade" remake with Mark Wahlberg and Thandie Newton) which included the anamorphic original with Grant/Hepburn.
I'm curious, of course, as to whether the Criterion anamorphic looks better...there was some graininess but nothing too disconcerting in the version I have from Universal.
LOVE the movie, though....stylish, suspenseful (even WHEN you know exactly what's going to happen next). "Charade" was popular back in 1963, but nothing to throw major awards nominations at. Were it made today, I'm betting it would be a hot contender for MAJOR awards.