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Author Topic: THE DISCOMBOBULATED ME  (Read 46465 times)

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« Reply #30 on: March 12, 2007, 06:16:21 AM »

Let us not linger on Page 1 and Post 29.

Welcome to Page 2 at 9:03am on Monday, March 12, 2007

Dan (the Man)

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« Reply #31 on: March 12, 2007, 06:17:08 AM »


That's easy--PACIFIC OVERTURES.  In fact, I found out with this show that cast albums were not usually available until a couple of months after a show opened (at least back then.)  When I finally saw an ad for it appear in the Sunday New York Times, I begged my parents to run out to Korvettes to pick it up.  Of course, my mom did not go until a few days later while I was in school.  When I came home, she told me that they didn't have it yet.  But when I went into my bedroom to get changed, there it was lying on the bed.  That mom...

And yes, it did recreate the theatre experience for me.  With the exception of "The Lion Dance", I didn't detect any missing music and I was able to re visualize each moment in my head.  And I played the thing over and over again for weeks.  

I probably didn't chase after a recording again until ANNIE was released a year later.
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« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2007, 06:20:25 AM »

Good morning, all!  I hate daylight daving time!  My body refuses to acknowledge that 7 AM is 7 AM and not 6 AM, and I am truly disoriented.

Today, I have to finish the charts for Ms Liz Callaway: violins, viola, cello, bass and harp, pay a bill, and - if time - revise a report on BABES IN TOYLAND.

TOD:  It wasn't until I moved to NYC that I saw a show often before the cast album was released, and the only show I can think of where I anxiously awaited the recording was BIRDS OF PARADISE.  Films were a different matter: I'd leave the theatre ad head directly to Tower Records - or, in Ohio, Peaches - to pick up the soundtrack: MARY POPPINS, GYPSY (my first hearing of the score), THE FIRST NUDIE MUSICAL,  and  lot of others.  Much as I loved the film of MY FAIR LADY, I could hear that I would still prefer the OBC to the film soundtrack; I don't remember ever buying it.
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« Reply #33 on: March 12, 2007, 06:39:42 AM »

Good morning, fellow Dear Readers. It was a night with one bad dream after another. I can only remember two of them clearly, but I know there were at least four.
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Dan (the Man)

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« Reply #34 on: March 12, 2007, 06:43:43 AM »

Sounds like anxiety, DR Laura.

Or maybe you're not getting enough frosting in your diet.
And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
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« Reply #35 on: March 12, 2007, 06:45:04 AM »

Monday morning greetings!  I'm at work, but 12 hours ago wouldn't have bet on my being here today.  Early yesterday evening I developed a headache that must have been a migraine.  Eating dinner didn't help, nor did lying on the couch watching the Grease thing.  Sleeping for about an hour right after Grease did make the headache and nausea go away, but interferred with my ability to go to sleep for the night.  I'm amazed that I woke up so refreshed today.
"Each of us lives with, and in and out of, contradiction.  Everything is salvageable.  There is nothing we cannot learn from."  --Sr. Mary Ellen Dougherty

Adriana Patti

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« Reply #36 on: March 12, 2007, 07:19:19 AM »

Good morning everyone, have a wonderful day.
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« Reply #37 on: March 12, 2007, 07:23:27 AM »

I bought the Pacific Overtures record at Korvettes as well, IIRC;  the one near Cropsey Avenmue in Brooklyn.


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« Reply #38 on: March 12, 2007, 07:24:33 AM »

Richard E. Grant is one of my favorite actors. And after seeing this clip, in which he inspires Elton John to write an instant song about his oven, I love him even more.
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« Reply #39 on: March 12, 2007, 07:28:33 AM »

TOD: I don't think I've ever seen a musical without having the soundtrack first, except for SISTER ACT, THE MUSICAL. But after seeing the show, I tried to find a recording of it and there were none. I hadn't realized until after the show that it is still a work in progress.

After seeing the movie AVALON, I went straight to the record store to get the soundtrack. This is one of my all-time favorite Randy Newman scores.
Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. --Lewis Carroll

Matt H.

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« Reply #40 on: March 12, 2007, 07:33:21 AM »

Good morning!

Seems a little overcast right now, but it's supposed to be beautiful this week. Maybe these clouds will pass over later this morning.
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« Reply #41 on: March 12, 2007, 07:36:17 AM »

Easy answer for me on the TOD:

CAMELOT. I saw the national tour with Jeannie Carson and Biff McGuire, was weeping uncontrollably when it was over (a Saturday matinee), and we couldn't get to a store fast enough for me to buy the Broadway cast recording which I played incessantly for the next year.

It happened with a lot of movies, too, where I already had the cast recording but had to have the soundtrack: GYPSY, THE MUSIC MAN, BYE BYE BIRDIE, WEST SIDE STORY.
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« Reply #42 on: March 12, 2007, 07:38:14 AM »

We do have new episodes of OLD CHRISTINE (two back-to-back episodes starting at 8 ) and '24' tonight. At 10, since I won't have HEROES to watch and STUDIO 60 seems gone forever, I'll watch last night's ROME.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 07:38:41 AM by Matt H. »
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« Reply #43 on: March 12, 2007, 07:40:39 AM »

This afternoon, after I return from lunch with best friend John, I'll watch AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH which I recorded last night.

I also noticed that the 1942 remake of RIO RITA starring Kathryn Grayson and Abbott and Costello is also on the DVR. I've never seen this so that should be fun.

And there is one more LAW & ORDER: CI episode on the DVD in the player now.
If at first you don't succeed, that's about average for me.

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« Reply #44 on: March 12, 2007, 07:44:07 AM »

I'll be interested to read your thoughts on THE RETURN OF MR. MOTO, bk. I skipped over it when I watched MR. MOTO TAKES A VACATION because the movie has such a terrible reputation. SIlva's commentary might be very interesting to listen to, however.
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« Reply #45 on: March 12, 2007, 07:46:27 AM »

RE: last night's GREASE.


I am happy that the judges did not have a chance to send max home. I know that they say they like him now. But i actually thought that they might have wanted to make sure their danny was more traditional.

As for the girls, i like laura. I really dislike allie (she doesn't ever seem like she's acting to me). And i used to like ashley. Sometimes she's good for me but sometimes she's not.

As for the guys, i was surprised to see chad go. And surprised austin had the lowest votes. I wish that the votes from the public were all that counted. We would have had much different results.

My favorite danny is max. I sort of liked chad. But he had disappointed me a lot in the past few weeks.  I don't like derek. And i sort of like austin. But he just seems too polished to me at times. But i can see why he was saved. He has the most experience. And they said he was stronger overall in every area (which i believe).

I do wonder if when america votes we will have laura and max.

Although boo on the producers for not letting us see the chemistry between the dannys and sandys (that is what was written in my tv guide).  I really do not see what they could possibly be thinking. They could very well end up with people who are incompatible.


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« Reply #46 on: March 12, 2007, 07:57:16 AM »

As for last night's TAR.




I'm surprised at how happy people get when the strongest team gets eliminated. It actually made me feel sick. And i would have said that even if they were not one of my favorite teams.

Luckily i was not spoiled by the promos (which apparently gave the ending away). But by the end of the show i really wanted to smack mirna.  She is driving me crazy.

I sort of disagree with DR Cillaliz. I don't mind if one task is a bit more difficult. But i don't like it when everyone doing one task finish first. That task was ridiculously easy.

Also i don't like luck being the deciding factor (the letter thing).

Plus the regis and kelly appearance today also in retrospect sort of gave away who would be gone (and that it wouldn't be a non-elim).

I really think allstars is going to suffer immensely because of this. I know i don't even feel like watching anymore and it is my favorite show.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 07:57:56 AM by Jennifer »


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« Reply #47 on: March 12, 2007, 07:57:39 AM »

Howdy - sound tracks: I gotta say I waited with baited breath (I now have Listerine) for the OCR of Brain From Planet X, from the first read-through way back last year. I was so glad to get a copy, and so glad it sounds so very good.


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« Reply #48 on: March 12, 2007, 08:15:12 AM »

Ok, you people. Tell me if I am imagining something here or not.

I remember in South Pacific that Bloody Mary says "Chinchy bassa" several times. But when I watched the movie, I heard her say "Chinchy stinker." Granted, I kept falling asleep during the movie, but I backed up and didn't see where she said it.
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« Reply #49 on: March 12, 2007, 08:18:17 AM »

DR Ben - I would love to have a copy of your "How to Get a Grant" recording  ;)
"Each of us lives with, and in and out of, contradiction.  Everything is salvageable.  There is nothing we cannot learn from."  --Sr. Mary Ellen Dougherty


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« Reply #50 on: March 12, 2007, 08:21:24 AM »

Ginny, you got it! As soon as I transfer it to a CD. I'll burn you a copy. Warning, may cause drowsiness (not of the Chaperone kind)  ;)


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« Reply #51 on: March 12, 2007, 08:23:44 AM »

As for last night's TAR.




I'm surprised at how happy people get when the strongest team gets eliminated. It actually made me feel sick. And i would have said that even if they were not one of my favorite teams.

Luckily i was not spoiled by the promos (which apparently gave the ending away). But by the end of the show i really wanted to smack mirna.  She is driving me crazy.

I sort of disagree with DR Cillaliz. I don't mind if one task is a bit more difficult. But i don't like it when everyone doing one task finish first. That task was ridiculously easy.

Also i don't like luck being the deciding factor (the letter thing).

Plus the regis and kelly appearance today also in retrospect sort of gave away who would be gone (and that it wouldn't be a non-elim).

I really think allstars is going to suffer immensely because of this. I know i don't even feel like watching anymore and it is my favorite show.

DR Jennifer,  I thought you may not be happy. We have disagreed about this sort of thing in the past and I think we just look at what is a strong team a little differently.   Actually the sign task last night wasn't that difficult and Rob and Amber would have had it very quickly if they had spelled "Phillipines" right  or if they had checked their spelling before ripping the sign apart and starting over time and time again. The other teams would have done it quickly if they had known their history.

I don't necessarily agree that Rob and Amber were the strongest team. If they were, they wouldn't have come in last.  I see TAR as a contest where a huge part of the game is strategy. It's a game where the most physically fit and the youngest aren't necessarily the best players.  I like that about it.
I don't like that Rob and Amber got ahead by lying, taking taxis called by other people etc.  They didn't play cleanly and that's the reason I cheered when they left.  

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« Reply #52 on: March 12, 2007, 08:24:07 AM »

Discombobulate is one of my favorite words -- one of the cats used it in the cartoons when I was little -- I think Jinx was the one who would say "I'm going to discombobulate you" to the mouse -- little me (similar to mini-me) thought it was a funny word. I still do and often use it to describe myself, too, GM bk.  Especially when I get overwhelmed with too many tasks.  A lot going on this week and next, so I'm going to be discombobulated -- ALOT!!

Okay, HHWers -- which cat in which cartoon would use discombobulate? Was it Jinx the cat?


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« Reply #53 on: March 12, 2007, 08:27:14 AM »

Good Morning!

Well, so much for getting up early.  -Well, at least earlier.  When my alarm went off at 8:30, my body and mind both said, in unison, "No way, Jose!", so I went back to bed for a few hours.  -And I'm still a bit drowsy, but there are something I must get done today, so...

I'm up.
Make Your Own Luck.

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« Reply #54 on: March 12, 2007, 08:27:43 AM »

singdaw is dead to me now.  From henceforth, call me...Naomi.

Was an operation involved, DR Naomi Dingdaw?  Or is the transformation being done merely with clothing?... ;)


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« Reply #55 on: March 12, 2007, 08:28:38 AM »

Soundtracks. That's hard. Up until the last couple years, I don't think I saw more than one or two shows without having the soundtrack first.  I guess the one I ran right out to get was RENT.  I saw the very first show on the first tour. I knew nothing about it before I went to the theater and I loved it.  We left the theater and went from store to store to find the soundtrack.  

I think I saw RENT just at the right time in my life to really get into it.  I'm not sure I'd have the same reaction to it if I saw it today for the first time. I'm not sure if that says something about me or about the show.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 08:29:41 AM by Cillaliz »

Matt H.

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« Reply #56 on: March 12, 2007, 08:31:20 AM »

DR Jennifer,

I know you are a long time fan of Rod and Amber, but I do not think the show will suffer due to their ouster. I think people who watch THE AMAZING RACE aren't expecting it to be a star vehicle; it's a game and will be exciting no matter who the participants are.

And the ratings haven't been stellar even WITH their participation. And as ratings are down for SURVIVOR as well, I think CBS should seriously consider only one cycle of each of these shows per season now.
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« Reply #57 on: March 12, 2007, 08:32:16 AM »

I actually thought about the way I reacted to RENT during intermission of SPRING AWAKENING.  SA doesn't hit home for me, but I can see if I was younger and dealing with different issues that it may have hit me the way RENT did at the time.   I will say I haven't seen SA from the audience, so I'm sure it would have been a different experience.


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« Reply #58 on: March 12, 2007, 08:32:58 AM »

As for the Topic of the Day...

Shows: Sweeney Todd, Passion (although, to be honest, I mainly wanted to buy it since I had a feeling the show would not be running much longer after I had seen it (a couple of times). -And, actually, I remember after seeing the second preview, running - not walking - to Triton Gallery to get the window card, "This is going to be a collector's item."  -And it sort of is since the original Dr. Tambouri was replaced later on in the preview process.  (And sadly, he died a bit after that.))
Films: "Cinema Paradiso", "Somewhere in Time", "I Am Sam" (love those Beatle's covers), "The History Boys" (I left the theatre, and headed next door to Virgin...)

That's all about that comes to mind now... More later probably..
Make Your Own Luck.

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« Reply #59 on: March 12, 2007, 08:33:25 AM »

I'm heading down now to clean up for my lunch date.

If at first you don't succeed, that's about average for me.
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