Here are my thoughts on last night's AMERICAN IDOL.
Okay i am still madly in love with blake (beat boxer guy). And my other favorites are the same as last week (Chris richardson (justin timberlake guy), chris s(guy with big bushy hair) and phil (guy with the baby) ).
I really liked Chris R last night. And was pleasantly surprised that the judges loved him. His song was so different from anything i've seen on idol. I just find him sweet.
I did not like phil's song. But i agree with simon. He is popular and will be back next week.
The ones i am worried for are jared and nick. I don't care for them. I also don't care for aj, but the judges really praised him this week (which could save him).
I thought sundance was much better. I wonder if he will belt out big numbers like that each week from now on.
As for sunjaya, i thought he was better than last week (how could he not be). But he sings so shy and timdly. But he is popular. So he'll probably be safe. He has talent, so i sure hope he steps things up.
If there were any JUSTICE, Sunjaya and A.J. would be the ones going home tomorrow night.
Chris Sligh and Chris Richardson were very good. Blake Lewis was terrific. Sundance Head was terrific. Phil Stacey has a nice voice....bad song choice, IMO, but safe.
Jared and Nick should definitely worry a bit, though. Sunjaya's got the John Stevens thing going for him...i.e., so-so performer with large, tin-eared fan base.
I've forgotten one of them....and because of that, he should worry, too.