Here I sit waiting for DR Miss Karen to make those last posts and become the Goddess we know she already is! But dagnabit she just won't do it!
Post #500 -- Ah-hah, my Plan 9, or was it Plan 10 (perhaps Plan 20 since this is page 20) worked!! (insert evil laugh sound effect). If I had posted it back when you were all expecting it, you may have all gone to bed and left poor bk trying to met his hits total. I am the Goddess of the Least Expected. I shalt not do anyone's bidding -- that would be most unseemly and most un-Goddess like.
Besides, I was busy refreshing like a fiend since that was the mission tonight, and not multiple postings.
A goddess quote from "Goddess of Love" (TV 1988):
"I am not here for your cold roast chicken. I am here for your love." ~ Venus
Let me feel the love, all you HHWers~ Goddess Karen