DR Elmore: You are in inspiration to all of us for your aplomb and openness about your father's passing.
Do give yourself so private time, if you can find any. You need to process, even though you've been expecting this for some time.
As for the MacBeth's: F**k 'em!
DR RonPulliam, that was very sweet. Thank you. I never was certain whether Iwas guilty of TMI, but it was what was occupying my days. I had been dragging you all along with me from the surgery and diagnosis last March/April, and it seemed natural, since everyone was so kind and supportive, to continue the saga to its conclusion.
Believe me, as soon as this estate is pulled together and I can get back to NYC, I'm going into hiding for a self-indulgent week of DVDs, reading, and CDs. I've also been thinking about a piece I want to write for my dad, so I need to do a bit of choral networking to see if any chorus is interested in premiering it when it's finished.
your raving about SOUTH PACIFIC - a film I always loved - makes me want to see it again.