Skip's better at certain details than I am. And he reminded me that we were at the airport 2:10 for a 3:30 flight, and that when we got there, there were at least seven agents tending the line, but by the time we were getting close to the front, the number had at some point dwindled to two.
But next time we know, we must find a person who looks official and be insistent that our flight is coming up. (And maybe tip? - who knew?)
We're not taking the position of never flying this airline again, just going to learn how to play it if we ever run into this situation again, and planning to try on principle (whether or not we succeed) to get compensated for losses, like the deposit on the hotel and such. And maybe avoid flying on a getaway day like a Friday afternoon.
I'm rambling, I'll go get some more sleep. Just was anxious to hear about last night's opening, and so happy about what i read.