Oh, yes.. As for tonight's performance of
Dear Edwina...
We spent the afternoon doing a run-thru and taking care of the tech elements - which, thankfully, are very minimal for the show. Unfortunately, due to the extreme heat and humidity outside, the A/C system inside the theatre basically broke half-way through the run-through. At first I thought I was heating up from nerves, but then when I "felt" that my keyboard was starting to 'sweat' - and when I looked at the cast "drenched" on stage - I realized that something was wrong. Well, as soon as the run was finished, we did indeed find out that the A/C system got a bit overloaded and shut down. Thankfully, we had some fans, and as soon as they turned off the stage lights, the temp in the theatre dropped a good 15 degrees.
The A/C was back up and working by the time the performance started, but since it had gone out for a time earlier, the theatre never fully "recovered". *They're leaving the A/C on overnight tonight, and, hopefully, that will help retain enough chill in the air for tomorrow night's performance. However...
We had a wonderful show tonight. We had an almost-full audience, and everyone's energy was running high. And, technically, tonight's performance was only our second run-through of the show, and for a second run, it went very well. -I even felt very comfortable and confident (almost a bit surprisingly so).
Just two more to go...
*And from what I understand, tomorrow night is sold out, and Saturday's matinee is very near sold out too.