Meant to mention that I, too, saw film adaptation of THE PHANTOM OF THE HOO-HA yesterday afternoon.
POTO never has been, and never will be, one of my favorite shows. Amongst other reasons, I always felt the hype (back in the late 80s) outweighed the merits of the piece. That being said, I always liked "All I Ask of You" very much, as well as a couple of other numbers.
I thought the adaptation worked well, though there were a couple of spots at which I found myself giggling. Most notably, the rising candleabra. For one, it was one of the more blatant "steals" from the stage version; for another, it was just silly in as realistic a medium as film. As silly as Esther Williams emerging from the MGM tank with hair and lipstick in place, smiling broadly.
I liked the framing device, and the backstory (though it's about one of three or four backstories that now exist for the fantome). For some reason, it was also the first time I ever was made to feel that Meg Giry might actually be the Fantome's daughter. (The dear partner and I always chuckle about such a minor character being given the final curtain of such a major musical. We chuckled some more, after seeing that the movie didn't change much of this.)
I thought that "Masquerade" was a mess. First, the voguing. Then the camera-work. I wasn't even crazy about the black/white costuming, especially with other characters in colors other than black and white. And I missed the cow.
I thought that Schumacher's allowing so many different accents was deplorable. And I forget who mentioned Patrick Wilson's American take on the word "to" last week, but when the moment arrived, it seemed so out of place......
Loved Driver, Richardson.
Liked Wilson, Butler (who is awfully sexy).
Rossum the words of Addison DeWitt...a revelation. Loved her. Thought she was beautiful. Thought she gave an earnest, well-thought-out performance. Has a waist the size of my thigh. She was, however, saddled with a wigmaster with no concern with continuity. In some scenes her hair looked fine, and normal, all the way through. In some other scenes (mostly in the Phantom's lair, where the humidity must have gotten to her), she could start a scene with normal hair, and it would widen and "poof" to the point where she would look like Marisa Jaret Winokur (or Elsa Lanchester, if the Bride had let her hair down.....).
So, as with the show itself, I didn't love the movie PHANTOM, nor did I hate it.