I had thought of fleas, and there used to be a dog in this house, so I suppose I'll call some exterminator and have him "do" the house. But, it's normally easy to tell if there are fleas, by putting your hand down on a surface (rug, bed, table) and they will usually jump right onto you. I did that last night and saw nothing. And why all of a sudden - I didn't have this problem until three days ago.
The Jack Benny episode is close to the Giselle McKenzie episode, but it involves a twelve-year-old girl (Toni Marcus) who comes up from the stage to get Jack's autograph. He's trying to play his violin, but he hands it to her while he signs for her. She, of course, takes it and plays it better than he. He sends her back to the audience. Later in the show (after a hiliarious bit with guest-star Julie London), she comes back because he spelled her name wrong ("Toni is spelled with an 'I'" she says. He says, "Oh, did I spell it with a "y"?" "No, with an 'e' - two of them."). They then do the Giselle version of getting to know you, and it's absolutely fall off your seat funny.