Hello, all! I'm back from dinner with DRtd and his friend Alex, who I believe has just joioned the site. We met at Joe Allen's for a lovely meal and scintillating conversation. I had the penne with Italian sausage and banana cream pie for dessert. DRtd had the meat loaf with spinach and mashed potatoes, and Alex had the sirloin and something chocolate and yummilicious for dessert. We walked to Colony and cruised all the music and CD racks, and I see that the WONDERFUL TOWN vocal score has now been published`, Hmmm . . .
We then walked up to Studio 54 and DRtd and Alex picked up their tickets for tonight's performance of PACIFIC OVERTURES. It was around 6:45, and I caught the 104 bus back uptown.
Dear Friend BK, I tried to book the reservation, but they told me it was too far in advance and to call them next week. I'll do it monday afternoon.