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« Reply #30 on: August 22, 2004, 06:29:35 AM »

I will be gone for most of today, so I am posting early (for me).  We had a lovely time at our NW HHW get together.  I've thought for the longest time (oooh, a Billy Joel reference) that the folk around here are the nicest anywhere, and that was proven in spades (actually hearts--awwww) last night.  We had a rollicking good time, laughing about nothing and talking about everything.  I even foisted some of my non-sold eBay film mags off on Mike.  Thank G-d THAT stuff is out of the office, LOL.  Everyone also got lovely parting gifts of various CDs/tapes of mine that I would also love to get out of the house.  We need to have larger, more frequent HHW parties so that I can COMPLETELY empty my house of unwanted items.  :)

I have a couple more pics I'll try to post later--they were all taken with our "joke" $9.99 digital "camera" (emphasis on the quotes on that word) we got from Target, so don't expect masterpieces.  Everyone else had actual real cameras and will no doubt post better pics later.
Would you like to take a picture of my lipoma for posterity?

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« Reply #31 on: August 22, 2004, 07:31:43 AM »

My age has made me an early bird. When I was in my 20s, 30s, and early 40s, I could sleep until 10 a.m. without even thinking about it. As I said in a post a couple of days ago, nowadays (a CHICAGO reference), if I sleep to 8 a.m. I think I've been given a gift.

When I was teaching, I had to be in bed by 10 or I was a wreck the next morning. Since retiring, I generally stay up until midnight most nights and often later than that.
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« Reply #32 on: August 22, 2004, 07:34:03 AM »

I've got a question I'm curious about, too.

Is there any movie star, past or present, that you've never been a big fan of. For me the question is easy: Gary Cooper.
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« Reply #33 on: August 22, 2004, 07:50:25 AM »

Early bird...early bird.  Up at 4 am today for grocery shopping....took the mater to WalMart....and all done before 6:15 am.  Usually do it on Saturday, but had to go to the bookstore yesterday!

MATTH - interesting question.  There are a FEW stars of yesteryear that I don't "get"....hmmmmmmmmmmmm....

Henry Fonda - always seems to me to be the same...same voice, same mannerisms, same acting tricks.

I'll stop there before I make anyone else mad except the Fonda Fans.

I chatted briefly with MB and JMK via AOL then DRJANE arrived and I was forgotten and disconnected....hehehehe.  Great pic JMK - let's see more...and we need to see Betsy and the boys, too!
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« Reply #34 on: August 22, 2004, 07:55:20 AM »

I've got a question I'm curious about, too.

Is there any movie star, past or present, that you've never been a big fan of. For me the question is easy: Gary Cooper.

John Wayne.
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« Reply #35 on: August 22, 2004, 08:00:19 AM »

DRs Jay and JRand, those are certainly interesting choices.

I guess I'll get around to THIS PROPERTY IS CONDEMNED this afternoon.
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« Reply #36 on: August 22, 2004, 08:05:44 AM »

Early bird -- and night owl. I don't sleep much, period. Go to bed pretty late most nights and am up by very latest 6 AM. But some nights, like last night, (and more and more lately) when my mind is churning, I get hardly any sleep. I have to admit that, as I work at home, sometimes the lack of sleep catches up with me and I lie down "to read" during the day - knowing I'll fall asleep. And I do, for an hour or so.
What I find interesting about staying up late is that even now, being -- chronologically anyway -- an adult, I still feel a sense of guilty pleasure in staying up as long as I want. My bedtime was very strictly controlled as a child (although I stayed awake, anyway - making up stories under the covers, or listening by the door to the TV in the other room) that I still feel that I'm getting away with something naughty by staying up.


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« Reply #37 on: August 22, 2004, 08:13:44 AM »

Speaking of naughty, when I heard yesterday's topic-of-the-day, my mind reeled in anticipation of all the ladies of HHW revealing what comes between them and their Calvins.  But so few of you answered...
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« Reply #38 on: August 22, 2004, 08:16:14 AM »

Maybe I should give him another chance, but I never really "got" James Dean. Love Montgomery Clift, though.


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« Reply #39 on: August 22, 2004, 08:21:21 AM »

Speaking of naughty, when I heard yesterday's topic-of-the-day, my mind reeled in anticipation of all the ladies of HHW revealing what comes between them and their Calvins.  But so few of you answered...

Does this mean that the ones who did (I was one of them) will from this day on be categorized as brazen hussies?


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« Reply #40 on: August 22, 2004, 08:24:47 AM »

No, you'll be appreciated - I meant to thank yesterday's contributors in my last post.

As to the morning/night owl issue, an old friend of mine has a coffee mug that says it all:

"Not a morning person" doesn't even begin to describe it,
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« Reply #41 on: August 22, 2004, 08:42:00 AM »

Measure your life by moments that take your breath away, not by the breaths you take in a moment.

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« Reply #42 on: August 22, 2004, 08:44:12 AM »

[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]"  "!; ...   ,  / \ | !@#$%^&*()  {}  [] =  + [/move]

Happy National Punctuation Day!

Measure your life by moments that take your breath away, not by the breaths you take in a moment.

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« Reply #43 on: August 22, 2004, 08:51:01 AM »

Big Brother Five:  Nakomis kicked butt last night!  The evil twins are up for ouster; no matter if one wins a veto, one of them is GONE!
Measure your life by moments that take your breath away, not by the breaths you take in a moment.

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« Reply #44 on: August 22, 2004, 09:43:33 AM »

Add me to the never-liked-James-Dean contingent.

"Now is the time for all good men (oh - a Cryer/Ford reference) to come to the aid of their country" was used as a typing excercise although I'm not sure why.  To get all the letters of the alphabet you need "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".
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« Reply #45 on: August 22, 2004, 10:04:46 AM »

Good morning - what a good night's sleep I had.  

Michael Shayne: Yes, that's still the order, but we don't have a separate listing for the Cats number - it briefly happens within We'll Do a Revue during a dialogue section where we're explaining what the show is.


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« Reply #46 on: August 22, 2004, 10:11:08 AM »

Hi Folks,

Tom, I just LOVE the pictures you post of the birds.  I’m going to try to keep my digital camera handy and try (operative word there) to get some pictures of our local friends.

There is a Blue Jay somewhere around here who has the most lovely voice.  He/She sounds like a several different birds.  Jays already have several different voices—there’s the harsh sound when there is danger around, a very soft voice when talking to a mate/baby and a call to let other know there is food or water around.  

We’re watching Errol Flynn in Dodge City as I type this.  It’s good to see him again.  

Jane, I’m so glad you and the others had a good time!  More pictures, PLEASE!  More stories, PLEASE!

As I said yesterday, I have no problem with sleeping.  I wake up tired, am tired all day and I think I even sleep tired.  I will admit that on a free day I am more of a night owl then an early bird.  I have to get up at five thirty every work day so if I sign off from the board at nine, I am in bed by ten which barely gets me eight hours.  I may say I’m going to bed but I don’t fall asleep right away or I wake up several times a night so it’s not eight full hours of sleep anyway.  

I would like to get one of those new foam beds that is supposed to conform to your body and maybe I would sleep better.  Anyone have one of those? Are they hot to sleep on?  I would think foam would be.  Do you like it?  How about those new “Sleep number” beds?  

I have another question as well.  I need an opinion.  You know that one of the ladies I work with is going to retire soon.  I would like to get her a nice gift for her retirement party.  I don’t want get a watch or a clock or anything like that although I bought her a count down to retirement clock for Christmas last year and it was a bit hit.  Everyone comes over to her desk to look at it.

I know she does not have a DVD player but just bought a computer that plays DVD’s.  I was thinking of getting her one that would connect to her TV so she and husband could enjoy it together.  Yesterday, I was at the mall and I saw a something new.  They have a way of taking a photo and engraving it a on a charm/necklace.  As soon as I saw it, I thought I could have a picture of our section/group put on one of those and give that to her as a keepsake.  

Which gift do you think I should get or do you have something else in mind that would be better?  I’m open to suggestions.  

As far as actors go, I could name a bunch.  Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, James Dean, the list could go on and on.  I only have a few favorites, John Wayne, Errol Flynn, Rex Harrison, Tyrone Power, Harrison Ford (still mad at him but still like him).  There are a few more but hanged if I can think of them right now.

How many more What If’s are there?
« Last Edit: August 22, 2004, 10:12:25 AM by Danise »
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« Reply #47 on: August 22, 2004, 10:36:10 AM »

Hello, All fellow HHWers!  I'm back home in Olympia after sleeping at Jeff & Betsy's house after our PNW HHW Get Together after I went to the Antiques Roadshow taping in Portland, Oregon, which started this whole Get Together occasion!!  (My, that was quite the unseemly sentence!)  Anyway, a great time was had by all last night (from what I could tell).  It'll be a day or two before I can post the few pictures that I took, because I have my sister's boyfriend's camera and don't have the correct cable or the program to download the pictures onto my computer.  So, please be patient and I'll ask Larry to hurry it up.  I haven't read any posts since yesterday, so I'm going to go back and catch up (or maybe even ketchup) on what I've missed, including the picture(s?) that Jeff posted of us.
Voldemort is basically a middle school girl: he has a locket, a diary, a tiara, a ring, and is completely obsessed with a teenage boy.


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« Reply #48 on: August 22, 2004, 10:47:16 AM »

I am a morning person. Even without going into work early I am morning. I can sleep late if I stay up late but I'm usually in bed between 10 and 11pm and I'm up, if it's not a work day by 6:30 or 7. If it's a work day I'm up between 5:30 and 6. I am part of the weekday Morning Denizens at HHW.

Never got John Wayne either, or Tom Cruise. There are others but no one pops to mind at the moment.


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« Reply #49 on: August 22, 2004, 11:01:31 AM »

Wow, the gathering of the pacific northwest HHW group last night was a blast! I must say that DR JMK and his lovely wife Betsy were the most wonderful hosts. They made us feel so comfortable right off the bat and treated us as if we had been friends for years! JMK has a wonderful sense of humor and DS (dear spouse) was such a good sport to allow total strangers into her home and to actually make dinner for us too! We were even treated to some homemade Jewish bread (my first taste of Jewish food) and it was delicious!...and then there was DG (Dear Doggie) BG who was a most well behaved and beautiful pup! I really wanted to take him home...I do hope some pictures can be posted of him as you all must see how cute he is!!....also met JMKs kids Zack and Gabe...two of the most polite youngsters you will ever meet! We were even treated to a mini-concert by Maestro Gabe at the piano! I do think he has inherited some of his fathers musical talents!

Prior to the arrival of DRs Jane and George, JMK and I chatted on-line with DR JRand53 which was a lot of fun! Unfortunately, when DR Jane arrived we rather rudely dropped JRand53 like a hot potato! LOL! I hope he will forgive us for that!  ::)   I did suggest that we call JRand53 and hook him up to a speaker phone so that it would be like he was there with us!

And what can I say about DR Jane! I adored her before I met her and I adore her even more now that I have met her in person! What a doll...what a gal! Just a fine, beautiful (and I do mean beautiful) lady!

Last to arrive for the evening was DR George, straight from his adventures at the Antique Roadshow! It sounded like he had a lot of fun...or at least an interesting the Oregon Convention Center hauling his goodies in to be appraised! DR George is a super nice, and very smart guy and it was a treat to be able to meet him in person! It really is true that HHW people are some of the finest people around and I am so glad that we had this gathering!

We talked, we laughed, we dished the dirt, and we guffawed until we could no longer guffaw! And then we guffawed some more! LOL!

We played and fawned over doggie BG and listened to some Salsa Celtic music and told stories of our lives and jobs and families and discussed all sorts of things! We just had a nice, nice evening!

A big thanks to JMK and Betsy for hosting us..and for the lovely parting gifts (I made out like a bandit)...I am listening to some wonderful CDs of JMKs music right now which I am enjoying greatly!! And thanks to DR George for suggesting the gathering and for DR Jane for making the trip up to meet us all!


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« Reply #50 on: August 22, 2004, 11:03:45 AM »

I really enjoy staying up until late at night...sometimes I get my second wind about midnight...but I don't like to sleep in too much so I am usually in bed by about 11 pm on weekends (10 pm on during the work week)...and besides as I get older I find it more and more difficult to stay up late anyhow!


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« Reply #51 on: August 22, 2004, 11:08:43 AM »

I never got Lauren Bacall. She just never has appealed to me as an actress. Same with Katherine Hepburn. I enjoy John Wayne in his very, very early movie appearances in the early 1930s, but after he became popular it just seemed like he always played John Wayne (of course maybe I haven't seen enough of his films).


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« Reply #52 on: August 22, 2004, 11:09:47 AM »

OK, my frenzy must come to an end as my coffee is ready and I need to finish the Sunday paper.

George I am glad you made it back to Olympia safely amid the torrential rains!


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« Reply #53 on: August 22, 2004, 11:27:57 AM »

OK, my frenzy must come to an end as my coffee is ready and I need to finish the Sunday paper.

George I am glad you made it back to Olympia safely amid the torrential rains!

What torrential rains?? (is that a joke that I'm not getting or were there reports of rain when I wasn't here?)  Anyway, on the two-hour drive back to Olympia from Portland it just barely sprinkled every few miles and there was not much traffic.  And right now (in Olympia), it's somewhat sunny with clouds just floating across the sky.  Very nice.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2004, 11:28:21 AM by George »
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« Reply #54 on: August 22, 2004, 12:03:47 PM »

Woke up at 4:30 a.m. and decided to stay up and tackle the paper rather than go back to bed.

So let's take a poll:

Are you an early bird or a night owl, Dear Readers?

Me:  Obviously, an early bird.

Me?  Very much a night owl.  I am NOT a morning person...usually.

I was writing a post of my Antiques Roadshow experience, but I typed something and the search window opened in my browser window.  I went to click the search button to close the search window, but I accidentally clicked one of the links on my personal toolbar!  Everything that I typed was lost!  AARRGGHH!!! >:( I hate it when that happens.  So now I'm typing it...again, but in Word.  This time I (hopefully) won't lose it.
Voldemort is basically a middle school girl: he has a locket, a diary, a tiara, a ring, and is completely obsessed with a teenage boy.


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« Reply #55 on: August 22, 2004, 12:38:48 PM »


 The Antiques Roadshow was fun and at times boring and a little exciting and a little disappointing...all at once.  We (my friend Margo and I) got to the Oregon Convention Center at about 3:30 (our entrance time, and it turns out that we were part of the last group to be allowed in) and the hall looks like it’s the size of a football field...but inside!  So we get in the big, giant Disneyland-like line and we go back and fourth and back and fourth and back and fourth and back and fourth, etc., for two solid hours (this was the boring part)!  When we first got in line, almost the entire hall is filled, but only about a hundred people got in line after us.  Anyway, we go through all of this and finally get to the "generalist table" where a "generalist appraiser" will determine which specialist appraiser table (category) you should visit.  For the Stephen Foster collection of music, I was sent to the "Collectibles" table and for the ceramic mug that I got from my sister's ex-in-laws (they paid $2 for it at a garage sale), I was sent (appropriately) to the "Pottery & porcelain" table.
Voldemort is basically a middle school girl: he has a locket, a diary, a tiara, a ring, and is completely obsessed with a teenage boy.


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« Reply #56 on: August 22, 2004, 12:53:16 PM »

It must not have rained up your way George. It was raining pretty good when I drove back to Salem last night and it has been raining off and on all morning here in Salem (I hate driving in the rain on the freeway!)


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« Reply #57 on: August 22, 2004, 01:02:42 PM »

It must not have rained up your way George. It was raining pretty good when I drove back to Salem last night and it has been raining off and on all morning here in Salem (I hate driving in the rain on the freeway!)

My housemate just told me that it did rain here yesterday, "quite a bit, actually," but then I didn't drive at night.  The worst probably happened when I was asleep in Jeff & Betsy's basement...not driving. ::)
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« Reply #58 on: August 22, 2004, 01:04:11 PM »

More ARS.....More ARS.  
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« Reply #59 on: August 22, 2004, 01:04:56 PM »


The fun and exciting part was seeing the appraisers who’ve been on TV.  My friend Margo had a writing table that her great-grandfather had made from a piano and a carved side table.  She spoke for a few minutes with Leigh Keno (longer than I spoke with both appraisers I went to...Margo is very personable)!

I got to my first appraiser and told him about my sheet music: that it was a numbered, limited edition set from 1933 of every piece of music written by Stephen Foster, that it was complete, that it was not stamped by the library that got it, and that a copy sold on eBay a month and a half ago.  He asked how much it sold for.  $300.  He said that because of the condition (very good) and that it’s complete, my set should be worth at least $500.  I figured that what I had was fairly unknown and not very much in demand as an actual "collectible," except by very specialized collectors.  His amount didn’t surprise me (but it was a little disappointing...I wanted it to be worth a LOT more...who wouldn't ;)).

The mug that I brought was a Staffordshire mug.  They (two appraisers looked at it) said that Staffordshire is much more known in England than in America, and subsequently, not as collectible or valuable in America.  However, they said that it was made in the 1940s or 1950s and is probably worth $75-$100 (up from $2 at a garage sale...pretty darned good, if you ask me).  If it’s put in an auction with knowledgeable collectors (as with anything), it could be worth more.

The other disappointing part was that I didn’t get taped to be on TV, although I did see myself on a TV monitor at one there’s hope. ::)
Voldemort is basically a middle school girl: he has a locket, a diary, a tiara, a ring, and is completely obsessed with a teenage boy.
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