Sorry to be E&T yesterday. I think I tried to do to much. I took the dogs for a walk then went to the grocery store. I started feeling a bit ill at the second stop. I took a nap when I got home and only got up to eat then went back to bed. I feel fine now.
« Reply #9 on: Yesterday at 07:12:34am »
Does any DR have any special method to use to learn lines for a play? I expected to play a SMALLER part!
Are you bragging or complaining?

Seriously, the best method I know of is to have a friend go over the lines with you. Or record your lines and try to listen to them as much as possible.
Drinks. I’m amazed that so many of you like water best! I always thought I was such a square because that’s my drink of choice as well. I like Sprite, 7-Up, Root Beer and Cream Soda but it’s rare that I have one.
Tea. Now that I LOVE. I have several favorites but I especially like Jasmine tea. It smells as good as it tastes.
I’ve tried my best to like coffee but I can’t stand it. I’ve tried all the different flavors of both coffee and creams. It smells good but I just can’t get past that bitter taste no matter how much sugar I put in it. Decaf tastes the same as the regular to me. I can’t tell the difference.
As far alcoholic drinks are concerned, I avoid them. To much of a control freak, I guess. It’s a rare, rare, rare occasion that I have any kind of alcohol. Someone once said that drinking is like putting a thief in your mouth to rob you of your brains. I find I have to agree with that 110%. I don’t, however, hold it against anyone who wants to drink.
Jane, I do hope you are feeling much better now. I was very sorry to read you weren’t up to snuff.
Healing vibes to you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Elmore, Same to you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope your back is getting better.
DRLaura, Hope your doing much better. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Panni, you too!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
RLP How is that arm coming? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Michael’s Dad as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tomovoz, How is that cold?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Heck, let’s just send out good vibes for all! It sounds like most of us need them right now!
Sandra, I see that Swedish Chef hat really gets around!