'HEROES' -- Spoiler Materials
Dkjf kalkj kjk l;k afjakj al;k kj gl;j ;lakjg ;lag klj alkj ;lag;l akjg;l jj agjkl sagkjlagjklagjagkljklj a At one point last night, I was beginning to think the writers had once again blown it. Last season they bogged the show down in the Hiro-in-the-past arc. That was inspired, as an idea, and tedious in execution. Ditto those new characters from South America. I could not even pretend to my self that either of them was interesting. The show did pick up toward the end of the shortened season, so I had every reason to expect a resurgence in the writing.
It was very distressing to see the mother of Nathan and Peter, grandmother of Claire, become this uber-bitch thing "in charge" and mothering Sylar. Sylar is a fascinating character, but that woman has lost all touch with anything remotely "mother"-like....or human, seemingly. Having her serve up someone to Sylar as a human sacrifice remains, to me, a very bad idea. I agree there was no humor in the Hiro/Ando exploits. They were forced and clumsily done. I suppose I could be more intrigued by the Parkman arc, but could they be more obtuse? Even the Claire segments are puzzlingly lame. I have to wonder what gives...or what they are, hopefully, going to dazzle us with once they get past all this set-up. What salvaged the night was the most excellent sequence with HRG (aka Noah) and Sylar responding to the hostage situation with the escapees from Level 5. HRG and Sylar NEVER FAIL to entertain and intrigue and chill me. I blame the actors!!
The previews held out TONS of promise for an excellent episode next week, especially with a domesticated Sylar. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Djfkljjkl f f a;lkjf ;ljsaasflkj slapclaw /.ma f,m flapjaw. kjf jfjkjk pawpaw., fa kjll;kajf gapemaw..m fsad jkdfk .
End spoilage