Man, these tempos are TERRIBLE - speeding up and slowing down and stopping in If Mamma Was Married. If these decisions and the decisions on the choral inflections in the boys' stuff in the vaudeville numbers are the musical director's, well, it's not to my liking. And everyone is so busy trying to not do anything anyone's ever done before that it's completely distracting. The Dainty June's dialogue within the cow song and B'way transition is so forced and unfunny - hard to not get the tinsel and glamour speech right. And Laura's bored "moo moo moo moo's" are just odd. The character is TRYING to be good, not trying to be bored. Now the Tulsa is over-singing All I Need Is The Girl - I wonder what the word "debonair" means - weird pronunciations, too - is this guy American. I started out enjoying this CD, but my enjoyment is withering with each new track.