Without even reading the previous posts (but having read today's notes, I hasten to add, it being a sin--a sin, I tell you--not to do so), I will jump right into the fray with a
[size=23]HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ARNOLD M. BROCKMAN!![/size] [/glow][/move]
And congratulations on being the
only one to hazard a guess on my trivia question of yesterday. But:
Wrong ongongongong!!!!!!!!!!The correct answer is
Die Tausend Augen des Dr. Mabuse (the Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse), which was based on the novel
Mr. Tot Achetas Mil Okulojn (Mr. Tot Buys a Thousand Eyes) by Lang's friend, the Polish film director and writter Jan Fethke.
Fethke wrote a number of classic Esperanto science-fiction novels under the pen name of Jean Forge, most of them comic social satires, and they have remained in print since he first began writing in the 20's.
Sliver was, of course, a rip-off of the idea, although it had the original concept of concentrating the plot on Sharon Stone's under-garments.
Metropolis, you see, was and remains science fiction. Although I constantly see reports on the Science channel of attempts to develop flying cars for consumer use and predictions that soon our cities' air space will look just like Lang's concept, this has fortunately not become a reality. Exactly what I want is for those people talking on their cell-phones and weaving in and out of lane on the parkway to be flying over my house. Oh yes, that is exactly what I want.