Something From the Oven, by Laura Shapiro. An interesting history of the 1950s, focusing on the intersection of commercially produced food and the common housewife's desire to put real food on the table for their families. As a result of the collision, modern feminism came about. Did you know that just eight days after Julia Child first appeared on Boston television as The French Chef, Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique was released to bookstores? 'Tis true! And the two works are not as opposed to each other as everyone first guesses!
DVD: I have cheated. Having missed the latter half of Lost's third season, due to work scheduling and der Brucer wanting to watch too many other shows for me to get a viewing in edgewise (he will deny this, but it's the sad truth), I decided to try to catch up with the show before it returns to the tube. Problem was, there were too many threads to catch up with, so I decided to try watching the series from the start, all over again. Problem was, there wasn't enough time to watch the whole series from the start, before the show returns to the tube. So I cheated and just watched the final three episodes of the third season. Poor Charlie. And where the Felix did Hurley get that VW Bus?