DR Jane (again) - I also keep meaning to ask regarding Craig's medical school applications... Why so many? I think you originally listed at least 8 different schools, which sort of seems like a lot to me. Heck, I can't imagine racking up all those application fees? Or is it "normal" to apply to that many schools? -I only ask because my roommate's boyfriend applied for a couple of medical schools last year. He only applied to four schools, and he seemed swamped with just completing those four applications.
I hope Craig will get a a decent & rewarding paying job once he completes the Masters program at Carnegie-Mellon
If Bryan gets accepted for next year he will be almost 32 years old when he begins medical school. There seems to be no rhyme or reason why the schools accept a student so he is doing everything possible to get in someplace this time around. He should really have applied to a few DO schools but didn’t have the time.
It is fairly normal to apply to ten to twenty schools. Many applicants begin to drop out of schools as the process continues, due to the expense & overwhelming time involved.
Was the boyfriend accepted to one of the schools he applied to? He must have a lot going for him to have applied to so few schools. These days they want some major background experiences which Bryan doesn't have much of, & he not as strong as he would like in a few other areas. On the plus side his MCAT score was in the top 1% and he had all A's during his year of pre-med courses. With some schools his age could also work against him. Personally I think his age should be in his favor. Besides intelligence & a passion for learning, he has so much conviction and compassion to make a great doctor