Another May memory. Julieanne and I arrived in London one year on May 1st. While she took a jet-lag nap, I went out to pick up some tickets at the National for some theatre that night. As I crossed Waterloo Bridge, I noticed a peculiarly strong police presence. "Hmmm," I pondered. "Perhaps, some member of the Royal family is touring something near by." I got my tickets and walked down the South Embankment to cross at Westminster Bridge.
As I crossed the bridge and walked toward the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, the first thing I noticed awry was the traffic cone on the statue of Bodicea's head. As I continue down toward White Hall, more police, debris, and the statue of Winston Churchill was sporting a turf mohawk and decorated with grafitti.
I continue through a gauntlet of riot-geared police up Whitehall toward Trafalgar Square where some sort of activity had occurred. The windows of the MacDonald's had been smashed out. Querying a shop owner, I realized I had just missed by minutes a May Day Riot which was still brewing up near Trafalgar.
Before I got there (not that I was going to go there now), the street was cordoned off and I had to cut through Charing Cross Station and continue up the Strand practically back to Waterloo Bridge and then zip through Covent Garden to get back home without having the riot converge on me. The riot was quickly quelled and we walked to the theatre that night with no problem at all.