Even though I didn't sleep much last night (feeling achy from a few hours of wet-vacuuming my water logged basement), I did manage to have one peculiar dream: I was at a pool side tiki-style bar with two of my friends and I noticed that comedian/actor Jay Mohr was playing the piano. My friends dared me to go up to him and talk to him, which I did. And I found him to be warm and friendly and even a bit flirty, so I invited him to our table when he was done with his set. When I got back to my friends, they were suddenly suspicious and disagreeable about Jay sitting with us and began discouraging me from getting too friendly with him. I was getting more and more angry and began getting impatient for Jay to finish his set so I could prove that my friends were wrong. He was playing some incredibly long John Tesh type of number and it was becoming irritating. That's all I remember.