DR DakotaCelt, I want to let you know that you and your Dad are in my thoughts.
When we were told that Dad had cancer, they said he only had six months to live. He lasted three years. By the time we were in that third year, the strong robust man I knew as my father, was like a scarecrow.
It was to a point where I didn't know what to wish for. I wanted my Dad with me but I couldn't stand to see how much pain he was in. He went back in time to WWII and saw German's everywhere.
Sometimes I think the extra time was a blessing and other times a curse that I wouldn't want to put anyone I know through.
And here I am going through almost the same thing with my Mom. The doctor said she has beween 2 and 4 months but no more then 6 left. So far, except for the hip, she seems fine --so in my book I think she will be with me for at least a year or two longer.
The doctors don't know. All you can do is take one day at a time and know that when the time comes, at least the person you love won't be in pain any more.