Topic of the Day:
A Chorus Line (the movie)
A local (no longer in existence) theater group did a production of
Little Shop of Horrors that was just horrible! I can't even begin to describe how stupifyingly bad it was. The Audrey couldn't stay in tune and when they sang "Closed for Renovations," the only "renovations" that were made was that Audrey brought in ONE tiny little vase with a plastic rose. That was it! Their Seymour and Orin were good (and cute

), but everything else about the show was not. They performed on the main stage at the Washington Center for the Performing Arts, which holds 988 people (or so) and on Halloween, they had a special deal that if you came in costume, you could get a ticket for half price. I don't know how many came in costume, but a TOTAL of 30 people showed up! In a theater that holds almost 1000!! It was bad.