Off to do a few evening errands, and then I think I'll watch "Little Miss Sunshine" later this evening on DVD. I rented it, mainly because I'm a big Alan Arkin fan and I've heard that the movie is quirky and good.
Last evening, I watched a little low-budget crime/police thriller entitled "Open Cam." It is definitely a "niche audience" film, as it is a pretty expected plot of a crime movie: some unknown murders, all of the people murdered went to bed with the main character, and the policeman assigned to protect and act as a decoy to the main character also falls in love and has and affair. Except all of these roles are guys, and it is in the Washington D.C. area.
It is above average for these kinds of low budget things, ...HOWEVER..., the cast is very good looking (if you like that sort of thing), and the torrid scenes would raise the question as to whether they would belong in Dear Elmore's DVD player, OR, in his infamouse VCR !!
Congrats to DR Cason.... We'll hold good thoughts for a call-back for you. I'm sure you wouldn't mind being down in the San Diaego area for a little while. I really like that city.