Sort of funny-scary story time...
My roommate, Jim, had a call from his brother earlier. His brother was telling him that he had been dealing some sort of infection on his toe nails. So, he went to the doctor today to have it checked out, and as soon as his brother took his socks off, his doctor said, "You have frostbite." What?!?
Jim's brother lives in Cleveland, where it's been cold and snowy the past couple of days. And he's just been walking around in sneakers. Additionally, his brother has been looking at new houses lately, and whenever he goes into a new house, he's been taking off his shoes... And there's been no heat in the new houses. So...
Well, it was a good thing he went to his doctor when he did. If he had waited another few days, his doctor said there was a chance they would have to amputate a couple of his toes. YIKES!
...Well, it was/is a sort of funny story. Isn't it?