DR Jeanne, Karl Haas lost his intellectual capacity for me...
What sort of book would you like? Give me your parameters and I will recommend a few items.
Ah, most gracious of you, ELMORE. If we are preempted by your need to be with your dad, so be it.
I didn't know enough to not be impressed with Karl Haas. I found it so refreshing to hear someone discuss music in what seemed to me to be an intelligent way!
I have no background in music theory so that sort of thing would be over my head. I've been listening to classical music for many years and LOVE Bach, LOVE Rach, LOVE Beethoven. But I have little insight about how one style of music, ie baroque, evolved into other styles. So a certain amount of history would be useful.
It occurs to me also that some pieces of music hold strong and immediate appeal to some listeners and not to others. I know, for example, that I love baroque music, which I suspect is because of its use of theme and variation, which is a theme in my life in other respects, as well. Does anyone know/speculate on this?
If it sounds like I'm struggling to give you parameters, it's because I AM! But maybe these ramblings will give you some insight just the same. And, although I'd like a book or two, listening is of course the bottom line. If you have recommendations for CDs that are representative, pls tell! I may have them, but I may not. I guess you could call this an independent study music appreciation class.
Many thanks.